Do you want to dramatically increase your happiness and health? Overcome depression and physical ailments such as chronic backache. Dramatically improve the quality of your life? Make it worth living again; do you want to live?
Astoundingly, this is really possible, even if you don’t believe it right now. It is. Many people turn around their lives. It may take time and effort, but you could even start enjoying the time and effort it takes, and over time you may realize that it is a lifelong journey, and you may revel in it!
The entries on this site are sincerely meant to help improve your life. Dedicating yourself consistently to one, most, or all of the main topics, will improve your life. I guarantee it.
The pace of improvement will vary from individual to individual. In the beginning, you may notice no improvement, but with consistent dedication, you will. Sometimes it takes years, but the sooner you start, even with one small thought, the sooner your life will improve. Like many or even most people you may stop, give up or lose interest, but you may also start again, and again, like I did, until eventually you have a breakthrough and then another and another ad infinitum.
My motivation:
Existentialists metaphorically believe that we are living in hell on earth, and the way to deal with this is to find something worth living for in this life. While I may not fully subscribe to this belief, I do hold the conviction that discovering something worth living for, regardless of the time it takes, is a profoundly meaningful pursuit.
My something worth living for, is this: striving to make life a little, or perhaps even significantly, better for all of us in this turbulent world of ours. For me, this is my worthy cause. Welcome to my cause.
My Way:
I believe in cutting away all unnecessary excess, meant to fill an article or book, and delivering all the essence straight away, in the simplest possible form. No unnecessary long reading or research, just the essence delivered promptly. And yes, I do provide in-depth content too; I simply aim to avoid wasting anyone’s time on what they don’t want or need. Where appropriate, I offer concise bullet lists for quick, easy takeaways (the starter Buddha in me) and more detailed lists for those seeking a deeper exploration of the subject (the growing Buddha in me). This approach extends to certain books as well.
I believe that people often give up or don’t even start something because the task seems insurmountable, too time-consuming, or too complex, when in reality, it’s just necessary to start—take small steps and focus on the few key things that bring the greatest change. Once some success has been achieved, feel free to delve as deeply as you want, becoming ‘the secret Buddha in our midst’!
May your journey begin!
John Honey
© F&F Services. The Secret Buddha Growing in Your Midst.
Existentialists is a philosophical movement that emphasizes individual existence, freedom, and choice. Existentialists believe that individuals are responsible for creating their own meaning and purpose in life, as opposed to relying on external sources such as religion or societal norms. Key concepts in existentialism include:
1. Existence precedes essence: Existentialists assert that individuals exist first and then define themselves through their actions and choices.
2. Freedom and responsibility: Existentialists emphasize the freedom of individuals to make their own choices, but also highlight the responsibility that comes with this freedom. They believe that individuals must take responsibility for their actions and their impact on the world.
3. Anxiety and authenticity: Existentialists often discuss the experience of anxiety that arises from the awareness of one’s freedom and responsibility. They advocate for authenticity, which involves being true to oneself and living in accordance with one’s own values and beliefs.
4. Absurdity: Existentialists contend that the universe is inherently meaningless, and that individuals must create their own meaning in a world that lacks inherent purpose or order.
5. Authenticity: Existentialists encourage individuals to live authentically by making choices that align with their true selves, rather than conforming to societal expectations or external influences.
Overall, existentialism emphasizes the importance of individual experience, choice, and responsibility in creating meaning and purpose in life.
Coming Soon:
Our website is currently under construction, but we’re working hard to create an exceptional experience for you.
Stay tuned for our upcoming launch. We look forward to welcoming you soon!
The Secret Buddha in Your Midst
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” – Buddha